Thursday 4 July 2024


Update of Index

To remind my reader of how to view a particular location: Click on to the 'arrow' next to the relevant year at the 'blog archive' list top right of most recent blog. This opens up the month selections. Then click on to relevant month arrow and that will open up the blogs in that month.
It's a long scroll down to the latest on this list!

If you wish to enlarge a photo, just single click on it.
Incidently, if using a 'smartphone', scroll down to the bottom of the first page where you  should opt to 'view web version'. This allows you to select the 'arrows' as above.
It seems that after a long period of not being able to 'comment' on these blogs, the problem has been resolved (I think). If you wish to make a 'comment' (anonymous if you prefer), however rude, in the box at the bottom of each blog, please do so! 

List of Posts


1.      The Beginning
2.      At Sea - Now Antwerp - Belgium
3.      Stranded in Le Havre - France
4.      Crossing The Pond
5.      Noo Yawk, Noo Yawk - USA
6.      Virginia - USA
7.      Washington DC - USA
8.      Columbia - South Carolina - USA
9.      Charleston - South Carolina - USA
10.    Miami - Florida - USA
11.    Fort Lauderdale - Florida - USA
12.    Savannah - Georgia - USA
13.    Boston - Massachusetts - USA
14.    Boston - Post Script - USA
15.    Niagara Falls - Ontario - Canada
16.    Toronto - Ontario - Canada
17.    Winnipeg - Manitoba - Canada
18.    The Canadian - Toronto to Vancouver - Canada
19.    Vancouver Island - British Columbia - Canada
20.    Seattle - Washington - USA
21.    Amtrak. Seattle to San Francisco - USA
22.    San Francisco - California (Part 1) - USA
23.    San Francisco - California (Part 2) - USA
24.    San Diego - California - USA
25.    Tijuana to La Paz - Mexico
26.    La Paz - Mexico
27.    Mazatlan - Mexico
28.    Guadalajara - Mexico
29.    Mexico City
30.    San Christobal de Las Casas - Mexico
31.    Antigua - Guatemala
32.    San Salvador - El Salvador
33.    Managua and Granada - Nicaragua
34.    San José - Costa Rica
35.    Panama City
36.    Flight to Lima - Peru
37.    Lima - Peru
38.    Nazca - Peru
39.    Cusco - Peru
40.    Machu Picchu - Peru
41.    Andean Explorer - Peru
42.    Puno (Lake Titicaca) - Peru
43.    Arequipa - Peru
44.    Panama to Auckland - New Zealand
45.    Bay of Islands - New Zealand
46.    Lake Taupo - New Zealand
47.    Cape Reinga - New Zealand
48.    Russel Birdman Festival - New Zealand
49.    Rotorua - New Zealand
50.    Napier - New Zealand
51.    Wellington - New Zealand
52.    Blenheim - New Zealand
53.    Nelson - New Zealand
54.    West Coast, South Island - New Zealand
55.    Queenstown - New Zealand
56.    Lake Tekapo - New Zealand
57.    Christchurch - New Zealand
58.    Kaikoura - New Zealand
59.    Auckland - New Zealand
60.    Across the Tasman Sea
61.    Sydney (Part 1) - Australia 
62.    Sydney (Part 2) - Australia 
63.    Melbourne (Part 1) - Australia 
64.    Melbourne (Part 2) - Australia 
65.    Tasmania - Australia
66.    Adelaide - Australia
67.    The Ghan - Adelaide to Darwin - Australia
68.    Darwin - Australia
69.    The Red Centre - Australia
70.    Back to Adelaide - Australia
71.    Onwards to Brisbane - Australia
72.    Brisbane to Singapore (Part 1)
73.    Taxis
74.    Brisbane to Singapore (Part 2)
75.    Brisbane to Singapore (Part 3)
76.    Singapore (Part 1)
77.    Kuala Lumpur - Malaysia
78.    Up Country - Malaysia
79.    Singapore (Part 2)
80.    Mozart. Malaysia to Sri Lanka
81.    Colombo - Sri Lanka
82.    Coffee
83.    Kandy - Sri Lanka
84.    Nuwara Eliya - Sri Lanka
85.    Back to Colombo - Sri Lanka
86.    Galle - Sri Lanka
87.    The Ancient Cities - Sri Lanka
88.    Trincomalee - Sri Lanka
89.    Negombo - Sri Lanka
90.    Tiruchirappalli - India
91.    Kerala - India


92.    Goa - India
93.    Bombay - India
94.    Delhi - India
95.    Palace On Wheels. Rajasthan (Part 1) - India
96.    Palace On Wheels. Rajasthan (Part 2) - India
97.    Palace On Wheels. Rajasthan (Part 3) - India
98.    Palace On Wheels. Rajasthan (Part 4) - India
99.    Palace On Wheels. Rajasthan (Part 5) - India
100.  Calcutta - India
101.  Rangoon - Burma
102.  The Train To Bagan - Burma
103.  Bagan - Burma
104.  Mandalay (Part 1) - Burma
105.  Mandalay (Part 2) - Burma
106.  Inle Lake - Burma
107.  Ngapali Beach - Burma
108.  Bangkok - Thailand
109.  Siem Reap - Cambodia
110.  Phnom Penh - Cambodia
111.  Saigon - Vietnam
112.  Hanoi - Vietnam
113.  Sa Pa - Vietnam
114.  Ha Long Bay - Vietnam
115.  Beijing (Part 1) - China
116.  Hong Kong
117.  Beijing (Part 2) - China
118.  Mongolia
119.  Siberia - Russia
120.  Trans-Siberian to Moscow
121.  Moscow (Part 1) - Russia
122.  Moscow (Part 2) - Russia
123.  St Petersburg - Russia
124.  Helsinki - Finland
125.  Rovaniemi - Finland
126.  Up To Kirkenes - Norway
127.  Hurtigruten (Part 1) - Norway
128.  Hurtigruten (Part 2) - Norway
129.  Hurtigruten (Part 3) - Norway
130.  Hurtigruten (Part 4) - Norway
131.  Bergen to Oslo - Norway
132.  Oslo - Norway
133.  Copenhagen - Denmark
134.  Hamburg - Germany
135.  Hook of Holland - and Home
136.  The End
137.  Post Script - London
138.  Stand-by For More...


139.  To The Democratic Peoples Republic Of Korea (North Korea)
140.  Pyongyang 1 - North Korea
141.  Pyongyang 2 - North Korea
142.  Kaesong and Panmunjom - North Korea
143.  Back to Pyongyang - North Korea
144.  Pyongyang 3 - North Korea
145.  Samjiyon and Mount Paekdu - North Korea
146.  Daehongdan County - North Korea
147.  Chongjin - North Korea
148.  Hamhung - North Korea
149.  Wonsan and Mount Kumgang - North Korea
150.  Mount Kumgang 2 - North Korea
151.  Mount Kumgang 3 - North Korea
152.  Wonsan Again - North Korea
153.  Back To Pyongyang and On To Nampo - North Korea
154.  Nampo and Back To Pyongyang - North Korea
155.  Train To Beijing - North Korea
156.  The Finale
157.  Impressions of North Korea
158.  Vids From North Korea
159.  Zambia
160.  Battledore Farm - Zambia
161.  Cool Bananas - Zambia
162.  Banana Hazards - Zambia
163.  Back On The Farm - Zambia
164.  Continued Jollities - Zambia


165.  Christmas In Darkest Africa - Zambia
166.  Lusaka 1  - Zambia
167.  Lusaka 2  - Zambia
168.  Livingston (I Presume) - Zambia
169.  On Safari - Botswana
170.  Ndola N'Home - Zambia
171.  Onwards To Sarf America
172.  Buenos Aires and The Wedding - Argentina
173.  Around Buenos Aires - Argentina
174.  Jujuy Province - Argentina
175.  Salta - Argentina
176.  Cordoba - Argentina
177.  Mendoza - Argentina
178.  Santiago (Part 1) - Chile
179.  Olmue and Valparaiso - Chile
180.  Santiago (Part 2) - Chile
181.  To Osorno and Bariloche - Argentina
182.  Bariloche - Argentina
183.  Ruta National 40 - Argentina
184.  El Calafate - Argentina
185.  Tierra Del Fuego (Part 1) - Argentina
186.  Tierra Del Fuego (Part 2) - Argentina
187.  Iguazu - Argentina
188.  Buenos Aires - Finale - Argentina


189.  The Saga Of My Nearly Lost Hat - UK
190.  We Wish To Apologise... - UK
191.  Those Blasted Announcements... - UK
192.  Tuscany By Train - France
193.  Mulhouse to Montecatini - Italy
194.  Florence - Italy
195.  Around Montecatini - Italy
196.  Lucca and Pisa - Italy
197.  Venice 1 - Italy
198.  Venice 2 - Italy
199.  Venice 3 - Italy
200.  Turin - Italy
201.  'Nam Revisited - Vietnam
202.  Saigon Again - Vietnam


203.  Merry Keesmah - Vietnam
204.  Up The Mekong - Vietnam
205.  Happy Noo Yeer - Vietnam
206.  Snowdrops - UK
207.  Turkey - An Inspiration
208.  Istanbul Or Bust
209.  Budapest - Briefly - Hungary
210.  Brasov - Transylvania - Romania
211.  Bucharest - Romania
212.  Onwards To Istanbul - Bulgaria
213.  This Was Constantinople - Turkey
214.  Up The Bosphorous - Turkey
215.  The Turkish Bath - Turkey
216.  Up The Kennet - UK
217.  Down The Baltics
218.  Tallinn 1 - Estonia
219.  Tallinn 2 - Estonia
220.  Tallinn 3 - Estonia
221.  On To Riga - Latvia
222.  Around Riga - Latvia
223.  Riga Finale - Stuck Up A Steeple - Latvia
224.  Vilnius...And The Dark Side - Lithuania
225.  Vilnius...The Bright Side - Lithuania
226.  A Damp Day In Warsaw - Poland
227.  Berlin And Bed Bugs In Brussels - Belgium
228.  Cultural Day In Lille - France
229.  Bah Humbug And Chrexit - Vietnam
230.  Laid-Back Laos - Vientiane - Laos
231.  Va Va Vang Vieng - Laos
232.  Vang Vieng Voom Voom - Laos


233.  Luang Prabang - Laos
234.  Luang Prabang And Elephants - Laos
235.  Ariba Ariba and Off to Cuba
236.  Havana Wander - Cuba
237.  Havana Further Wander - Cuba
238.  On West to Viñales - Cuba
239.  Cienfuegos - Cuba
240.  Ye Olde Town of Trinidad - Cuba
241.  Santa Clara. Viva La Revolución - Cuba
242.  Varadero. - Cuba
243.  Guanabo. Playa del Ested - Cuba
244.  Back to Havana - Cuba
245.  Havana Finale - Cuba
246.  Chrexit 2017 - Thailand
247.  Phuket and Beaches - Thailand
248.  Phuket Town - Thailand
249.  Saigon Again - Vietnam


250.  Wats in Chiang Mai - Thailand
251.  A Day Out in Chiang Mai - Thailand
252.  More Chiang Mai - Thailand
253.  Chiang Mai - Bangkok - and Home
254.  Silly Signs
255.  By Plane to Ukraine
256.  Kiev Part 1 - Ukraine
257.  Kiev Part 2 - Ukraine
258.  Chernobyl Disaster. The Background Story - Ukraine
259.  Chernobyl Part 1 - Ukraine
260.  Pripyat. The Ghost Town - Ukraine
261.  Chernobyl Part 2 - Ukraine
262.  Bermuda or Bust - Bermuda
263.  St. George's - Bermuda
264.  More Bermuda
265.  Carnival Time - Bermuda
266.  Hamilton - Bermuda
267.  Finale - Bermuda
268.  Update of Index 2
269. Colombia. Caramba
270. Bogota. A Prelude - Colombia
271. Transport around Bogota - Colombia
272. More Bogota - Colombia
273. Medellín - Colombia
274. More Medellín - Colombia
275. On to Cartageña - Colombia
276. Santa Marta - Colombia
277. Bogota. Post Script - Colombia
278. Chrismiss 2018 - Thailand


279. Saigon Again - Viêt Nam
280. Vietnam Underground - Viêt Nam
281. Amsterdam Cultural Tour - Holland
282. Yodel-ay-ee-Hoo around Switzerland
283. Yodelling on and back - Switzerland
284. Down the Balkans to Ljubljana - Slovenia
285. Down to Split - Croatia
286. Split to Dubrovnik - Croatia
287. On South to Montenegro
288. Cetinje - Montenegro
289. To the beach - Montenegro
290. Bar and back home - Montenegro
291. To Japanada (or Canapan)
292. Vancouver Island - Canada
293. All Aboard the Westerdam - Canada
294. Juneau (Juneau What?) - Alaska
295. Onwards Westwards
296. Past Kodiak Island and Beyond
297. Across the Bering sea
298. Kushiro Briefly - Japan
299. Arrival Yokohama - Japan
300. Kyoto Intro - Japan
301. More Kyoto. Day 1 - Japan
302. More Kyoto. Day 2 - Japan
303. Hiroshima - Japan
304. Nagasaki - Japan
305. Brief Visit to Kure - Japan
306. Tokyo - Japan
307. Sayonara Nippon - Japan
308. (Not) Christmas Again
309. No 'Ell in Far East - Thailand
310. OMG!. Pattaya - Thailand


311. Sodom and Gomorrah - Thailand
312. Back to 'Nam Again - Vietnam
313. Đà lạt  Part 1 - Vietnam
314. Đà lạt  Part 2 - Vietnam
315. Lockdown. Week 1
316. Lockdown. Week 2
317. Lockdown. Week 3
318. Lockdown. Week 4
319. Lockdown. Week 5
320. Lockdown. Week 6
321. Lockdown. Week 7
322. Lulok Island. Part 1. Arrival.
323. Lulok Island. Part 2. The Village.
324. Lulok Island. Part 3. The Hills.
325. Lulok Island. Part 4. The Aztecs.
326. Lulok Island. Part 5. The Coast.
327. Lulok Island. Part 6. The Capital.
328. To Stockholm - Sweden
329. More Stockholm - Sweden
330. Yet More Stockholm - Sweden
331. Uppsala - Sweden
332. Tällberg - Sweden
333. Mora - Sweden
334. Back to Stockholm - Sweden
335. Finale Stockholm and Home - Sweden
336. Zanzibar or Bust.
337. Stone Town - Zanzibar
338. Nungwi - Zanzibar
339. The East Cost - Zanzibar
340. Bwejuu - Zanzibar
341. Back to Stone Town - Zanzibar
342. Tortoise and Spice - Zanzibar
343. Temple, Shops & Slaves - Zanzibar
344. Mainland Tanzania and Back - Tanzania
345. More Stone Town - Zanzibar
346. Further Haunts & Sights - Zanzibar
347. Final Fling in Zanzibar
348. On to Ndola - Zambia
349. Gone Bananas Again - Zambia


350. Back to Livingstone (I presume) - Zambia
351. The Falls and Zambezi - Zambia
352. Booze Cruise and Wildlife - Zambia
353. Back to the Bananas - Zambia
Now back in Stasi UK and travel illegal or difficult and expensive until 202?
354. Single Life - UK
355. Single Life 2 - UK
356. Single Life 3 - UK
357. My Little Covid Rant
358. More Frustrations and Events - UK
359. Chrexit 2021
360. Onwards to Bangkok - Thailand
361. Back in Bangkok - Thailand


362. Pattaya and Jomtien Revisited - Thailand
363. Art in Paradise Pattaya - Thailand
364. The Highlife in Bangkok - Thailand
365. The Train to Kanchanaburi - Thailand
366. The Bridge - Kanchanaburi - Thailand
367. More Sights around Kanchanaburi - Thailand
368. 50 Ridiculous Rules
369. Out and About around Kanchanaburi - Thailand
370. Back to Bangkok - Thailand
371. Bangkok and Home - Thailand
372. Return to Warsaw - Poland
373. By train to Ukraine - Ukraine
374. Checkin' Kyiv - Ukraine
375. More Kyiv - Ukraine
376. Encore and Farewell Kyiv - Ukraine
377. Train back to Warsaw - Poland
378. Krakon to Krakow - Poland
379. More Krakow and Home - Poland
380. Old Buffers and Geriatrics Pool Society
381. Silly Signs and Nutty Notices
382. To Brussels and Beyond - Europe
383. Tally Ho! To Tirana - Albania
384. Touring Tirana - Albania
385. More Tirana - Albania
386. Yet More Tirana - Albania
387. Toodle Pip Tirana - Albania
388. Chrexodus 2022
389. Saigon Saigon - Vietnam
390. The Journey to  Đà Lạt - Vietnam
391. Đà Lạt Revisited - Vietnam
392. Đà Lạt Day Tour Part 1 - Vietnam
393. Đà Lạt Day Tour Part 2 - Vietnam
394. On to Nha Trang - Vietnam
395. Hué - Vietnam


396. The Dee Em Zee Part 1 - Vietnam
397. The Dee Em Zee Part 2 - Vietnam
398. Uncle Sam in Vietnam - Vietnam
399. Hué back to Sài Gòn - Vietnam
400. New Year in Saigon - Vietnam
401. Bits and Bobs
402. To Portugal. Algarve - Portugal
403. On to Lisbon - Portugal
404. A Trip to Bélem - Portugal
405. A Day in Cascais - Portugal
406. Encore Lisbon - Portugal
407. To Porto (or Oporto) - Portugal
408. Up the Douro - Portugal
409. By Train Again to Ukraine - Poland/Ukraine
410. Around Lviv. A Start on Svobody - Ukraine
411. Lviv and the War - Ukraine
412. Churches and More in Lviv - Ukraine
413. Lviv Finale and Home. Eventually - Ukraine/Poland
414. Chrexit 2023
415. Off to Taiwan - Taiwan
416. A Start in Taipei - Taiwan
417. Taipei 2 - Taiwan
418. Taipei 3 - Taiwan
419. Up Taipei - Taiwan
420. Taipei. Post Script - Taiwan
421. South to Tainan - Taiwan
422. Hot Springs in Guanziling - Taiwan
423. Further South to Kaohsiung - Taiwan
424. More Kaohsiung - Taiwan
425. Around the Coast to Taitung - Taiwan
426. North up to Hualien - Taiwan


427. Return to Taipei and Onwards - Taiwan/Vietnam
428. Taipei Finale and Home - Taiwan/UK
429. Train Again - Nuremburg - Germany 
430. Vienna - City of Dreams - Austria
431. Prague - City of a Hundred Spires - Czechia
432. Vorrüken zu Berlin (Part 1) - Germany
433. Mehr Berlin und Zurück - Germany
434. A Drive to Ukraine. Part 1
435. A Drive to Ukraine. Part 2
436. Cyprus Revisited 1
437. Cyprus Revisited 2

Monday 24 June 2024


19th - 23rd Jun 2024

That evening I got a phone call from the lady at Dhekelia who, true to her word, had found someone to 'guide me' around the base. I was to meet him (the guide) tomorrow (Thursday 20th) at the entrance at 10.00am. So I did.

Left: An aerial shot of part of the base. Not my photo of course, but plenty of photos of the base are available 'on-line'! The Officers' Mess is circled, bottom right.

After showing several forms of ID I was issued with a temporary 'pass' and introduced to my Cypriot guide, called Paris. I was warned that under no circumstances was I to take any photos, and Paris "is under strict instructions to enforce this". I couldn't think what they could possibly be hiding on the base! Paris was a decent enough chap who spoke good English and, I think, worked there as a civilian mechanic or engineer. We got into his car and I asked if we could go first to the Officers' Mess, a place of great social importance in my days there.

Left: The Officers' Mess (pic taken very surreptitiously). I was being watched by Paris so didn't want to upset him by taking these 'illegal' photos! As a result you will mostly just have to put up with my writing.
My memories of the base were somewhat limited. We had to go into the Mess by the kitchens for some reason. The only people I saw in there were a lady member of the staff in the dining room and another lady outside who, I think, was a visiting medic of some sort. I hardly recognised the place as I think it had undergone several 'modifications' and 'extensions' (probably necessary due to the damage we drunkenly caused!). I couldn't even remember where my old room was. There is now a small swimming pool which wasn't there in my day. Beside this was a large notice which displayed all the many rules and regulations which you had to abide by....I think swimming was allowed, just, on sufferance. Another example of utterly unnecessary and obtrusive modern day 'elf 'n safety'. 
We visited the Station Headquarters building. It had a Union Flag flying proudly outside. Up a staircase to the offices level. This staircase had a notice which read "this stairway may be used in either direction"! What? Why should it not be?! Anyway there was a line of about 10 offices including that of the Base Commander, his 2 i/c, Adjutant, Admin Officer, Station WO1 and several others. Not a single one was occupied by a military person. Indeed the only people there, in one office, were a couple of civilian contractors mending a computer and a retired chap who was involved in some 'welfare' capacity. This was 10.15am on a weekday. Where were they all? Apparently the Base Commander was on leave. Maybe the rest were 'working from home'?
We then toured the base passing places I vaguely remembered including the schools, hospital, Sergeant's Mess, the NAAFI building (shop now named something differently), the transport garages etc. It seemed entirely deserted. I don't remember seeing any form of human life; let alone soldiers in uniform. It was like the Marie Celeste!
In my day this base would be humming mid-week (during the morning anyway). The large site of the old married quarters had been demolished. Apparently it was cheaper to build new ones than maintain the old. There were sizeable areas of these new houses and, again, I saw no activity. I found this extraordinary. I can't think what has happened. Perhaps that is why photos are strictly forbidden. Don't let the 'enemy' know the place has been abandoned! Actually, on the way out I did see one soldier, in combat uniform, manning one of the exit barriers. We had to leave the base at 11.00am because after this the gates were then all shut and locked!

Next I expressed an interest to go to Kingsfield Airfield, about a couple of miles outside the base. I used to go gliding there. No gliding there now, just a Sport Parachute Club. The parachute club used to be in nearby Pergamos Camp, but that has all gone. Parachuting was indeed taking place and I watched a few dropping out of the plane. I didn't get the chance to meet the guy in charge (he was busy directing operations from a rooftop). The six or seven parachutists (all stubblies) came from where, or did what, I gathered not. The only person I had a pleasant chat with was a sociable lady (daughter of a Brit but resident in Cyprus) who ran the café.

This had been a somewhat depressing and boring visit! I suspect the place is now just a 'dormitory' for visiting personnel.....?? I am none the wiser because I never met any military person with whom to discuss the situation.

Then back to Larnaca for a pleasant lunch on the sea-front. South of Larnaca there are several vast salt lakes. Left: A poor photo of one of them. They are solid white with salt and very extensive on both sides of the road. I'm not sure what geological feature causes the extreme saltiness in them.

Right: Back at the hotel. This lady, Olga, is a delightful Ukrainian and works in the bar and restaurant. She is most attractive and was very helpful and amusing company! Thank you Olga (and all the staff, who were all most efficient and attentive).

The next morning was spent on a local beach (Faros Beach) (left) which was 15 minutes walk from the hotel. At least it was uncrowded and there was a small café/bar. Not much to do other than paddle in the sea and sunbathe.

Right: The rules of the beach. No dogs? Why only dogs not allowed? Are all other animals permitted? I know Cyprus has a large cat population and, personally, I prefer the company of dogs to cats. Could I bring my pet sheep, or camel......?

Left: Talking of camels, I had noticed a sign on the way from Larnaca pointing to a 'Camel Park'. I decided to investigate.

It was a 20 minute drive to the village of Mazotos with the Camel Park on the edge. It was Euro 7 to enter. I think camels are the most ugly, smelly, unappealing and anti-social creatures. Right: The ones in this picture are the 'one hump' variety ie. dromedaries from the Middle East area.

They have strange, dangerous and disgusting habits. I read this:

'Camels use their teeth to bite, lift and throw their enemies, their feet to kick, paw or trample over, their whole body to knock over, press and squeeze, and their spit or regurgitated food to cover their perceived adversaries'

They are mainly herbivores but if hungry (which is most of the time) they will eat anything, including meat and bones (apparently). The max range of camel spit has been recorded at 40 yards, and it smells revolting. Fortunately I was not spat at.

Left: These brutes followed visitors walking around outside their compound. We had been offered the opportunity to buy 'food' to feed them. I certainly didn't. Also there was the opportunity to pay to have a ride on them. Not me! They stuck their ugly snouts over the fence revealing enormous dirty protruding fangs in the hope that they would be given something to eat. I dread to think what some people fed them.

It was in other parts a zoo featuring many different animals and all well maintained in spacious compounds. Right: A very small pony.

Left: A cage inhabited by lemurs. You could go inside to feed them.

Right: ....and ostriches. Many other animals were in residence.

Left: A dromedary giving a ride to a somewhat stoutly built lady. 

Right: Another little 'camel train' in action. I couldn't see the point.

Left: There were a couple of the two-humped variety kept separately in their own compound. These are 'bactrian' camels, from Asia. I have never before seen such shaggy, moth-eaten, ugly creatures. Grooming? They need stripping down and re-upholstering!

This park also had cafés, a restaurant and bar, a swimming pool, amusement arcades, souvenir shop, museum and other facilities. It was actually quite a jolly place, despite the camels. Right: a 'berber' tent. 

That evening I handed back my car to the excellent 'hire car' company in Larnaca (as mentioned in the previous blog) and bus back. The remainder of this short trip was spent in and around the hotel. Nothing much else to report except that I met a charming and interesting guest; an Israeli policeman. He gave me some fascinating insights into the state of affairs in that part of the world. I won't bore you with them here, suffice to say that his experience and views did not match what we have been told by the UK Government and media.

The journey back to UK (from Larnaca to Gatwick) with EasyJet was equally as tedious, frustrating and irritating as the trip out, described at the beginning. It was also delayed. We arrived back at LGW just before midnight on the 23rd and I had to wait until 5.15am for a train home.
Left: Standing in a long queue on the tarmac at Larnaca for a long time before boarding the aircraft. 

PS. (Right) The hotel I stayed at had, almost uniquely, bedside light switches which were illuminated! It certainly makes getting up in the dark a less hazardous task. I wish more hotels did this.

So that was my Cyprus Revisit. I'm glad I did it, but doubt I will be going back for a holiday!