Wednesday 5 January 2022


 26th -27th Dec 2021

L'Artiste Superbe

I have been here, 'Art in Paradise', before (in 2019) but it was worth another visit. It is clever. You need to download an 'app' on your phone at the entrance which, when pointed at several of the 'pictures', brings them to life. The idea is that you should feature in the ensuing 'picture' or 'film clip'. There are two slight problems here a) it requires a bit of fiddling with displays and expertise on your phone and b) you need a competent partner to operate it if you want to be in it. I am not brilliant with these phones and I didn't have a partner.

As with many venues in town this place was almost totally devoid of visitors while I was there. I think there were about three or four others present, and it is a large two storey (is that OK Bernie?) exhibition/display. Fortunately I managed to cajole a helpful Thai girl and a young lad to assist at a few of the viewing points, but not all. I think they began to avoid me eventually. Anyway, they were very patient and kind but not experts and the results could, I am sure, have been more impressive.

For what it's worth I attach below some of the static pics and the film clips. There were many more but my lack of 'assistant' was a bit of a disadvantage. For one reason or another the film clips are sideways on and, for the life of me, I couldn't get them the right way up! You will have to turn your head, or computer, through 90 degrees. 

For 'full screen (enlarged) view of vids 'open', then click on box at bottom right. Click on box bottom right to return to page. I hope they work.....

Right: Crossing the gorge with dodgy plank.

Left: An Italian, I think, backdrop.

Right: Decapitated in the kitchen

An encounter with The Beast

Landing a Big One

Elephant and Monkey

Giraffe at the Waterhole

Camel at the Oasis. You are meant to hold the camel's lead as it sticks its tongue out but I couldn't find anyone to help film it.

Dali Making Eyes

Gondola in Venice (cut short by 'assistant')

Frog in the Rain. You are supposed to sit under his lily pad, but no help to do that.

That should give you some idea. They are transferred from YouTube which gives a better view, if you can find them. There was much much more. I noticed several buckets and plastic bins scattered around parts of the floors in some areas. Drips were coming from ceilings. They must have sprung a leak in the roof, or a water tank had over-filled. I hope no lasting damage.

So back to Bangkok the next day. Again, a cheap and efficient bus ride this time. It is extraordinary how people from this part of the world go to great lengths to avoid sunlight. As soon as we set off all the curtains were drawn. I like to see the scenery, but not so my fellow passengers. I noticed this especially in Vietnam where, mostly the women, wear long sleeves and wide brimmed hats (and masks) to keep the sun off their skin. To become 'tanned' or have darker skin is a no-no and regarded as demeaningly 'peasant-like'. I had a Vietnamese colleague, a very decent and competent chap, who had a darker skin and was referred to by his Vietnamese friends, not maliciously I hasten to add, as 'The Black Boy'. You would get arrested for saying that in UK!  Chemist shops there, and here, sell a vast and popular range of skin-whitening substances which probably do the users no good, but that is the fashion. Extraordinary to think what lengths Westerners go to show off a healthy tan to boast to their friends of how they can afford expensive 'sun-baked' holidays. C'est la vie.

I have cracked one of the problems viewing the vids! Click on arrow to open, and there is then a box at bottom right. Click on that to view 'full screen'. When finished there is a similar box bottom right to return. I expect some of you got there before me!

Still sideways on, but can't alter that. As far as I am aware. 


  1. Yes . One had to check every soap and skin product to make sure they had no "whiteners" whatever whiteners are. As a Scot with freckles I was the most abhorred ..neither creamy white nor dark,but obviously damaged.!

  2. FYI in Slovenia we've just a thunder blizzard and in 20 mins the whole of my neighbourhood is 2 -4inches thick with snow! Skiing this weekend ? Enjoy sun and sand Matt- and remember your mask!
